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The SAJ38th HP is opened!


The 2024 (38th) Annual Meeting of SAJ will be held in September 2024 in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. We are pleased to plan an on-site meeting at Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building. We are looking forward to welcoming you to participate in the meeting and submit papers.


Scientific Program

Dates of the annual meeting : September 10 (Tue) –11 (Wed), 2024
September 10 (Tue) 9:30-17:30 Scientific program
September 10 (Tue) 18:00-20:00 Banquet
September 11 (Wed) 9:30-14:45 Scientific program
September 11 (Wed) 15:20-17:30 Memorial Symposium for Prof. Teruhiko Beppu

Invited Lectures
Dr. Ben Shen
(The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology)
joint with Forecasting Biosynthesis in Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)

Award Lectures
Distinguished Contribution Award
Dr. Atsuko Matsumoto(Institute of Microbial Chemistry)

Hamada Award
Dr. Kenichi Matsuda
(Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University)

Dr. Fumihito Hasebe
(College of Bioresource Sciences, Fukui Prefectural University)

Download a current version from here.

Information to Presenters

Oral Presentations
Slide Test:12:00-13:00 on 10th & 11th Sep
Total 12 min for each presenter (9 min for presentation talk, 1.5 min for questions, and 30 sec spare time).
Please use your own laptop PC. HDMI is available.
Presentation slides should be prepared in 4:3 aspect ratio.

Dear participants for oral presentation,

We prepared poster boards for oral presenters. In the poster session time, please discuss your valuable results with many audience, since there are no enough time to discuss in your oral presentation time.
Odd number is in Poster Session I, while even numbers are in Poster Session II.

You may attach your slides used for your oral presentation.
Especially, this issue will be important for postdocs and students to evaluate Poster Presentation Award.

Poster Presentations
Poster board size: 180 cm (H) x 90 cm (W).
Posters should be displayed on assigned boards.
Poster pins will be available.

Presenters can display your poster from 9:00 on Tuesday, Sep 10. All posters should be removed from the poster boards by 14:00 on Wednesday, Sep 11, or they may be discarded.


Online registration is acceptable. Please follow the web instruction (in Japanese only). Alternatively, please contact the SAJ38th office by email (saj38th[at]

After submitting your e-mail address, an e-mail with the subject "The 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Actinomycetes Japan - Password Issued for Registration(2024年度 放線菌学会大会 - 参加申込用パスワード発行)" will be sent immediately from the Meeting Secretariat (saj38th[at]
※Please note : the password will be issued uniformly regardless of whether or not you have applied for a lecture.
<for members of SAJ>
registration No.:SAJ38M_xxxx (four‐digit number)
password:Random alphanumeric character string
<for non-member of SAJ>
registration No.:SAJ38G_xxxx (four‐digit number)
password:Random alphanumeric character string
Please log in from the designated URL to register for participation, abstract submission (for members only), and registration for the banquet.
After submitting your registration information, an email with the subject "The 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Actinomycetes Japan-Registration Completion Notice (2024年度 放線菌学会大会- 参加申込完了のお知らせ)" will be sent immediately from the Meeting Secretariat.
After logging in to My Page, you will be able to confirm your registration information and complete payment procedures for the registration fee and banquet fee.
*The file name of your abstract will be automatically converted as follows :
"O_ or P_" + "class number_" + "registration No._" + "date and time of submission"
You can pay the registration fee and banquet fee by credit card from "Payment Information (お支払い情報)" in "My Page".
If you wish to use other payment methods, please contact the conference secretariat (saj38th[at]

i) The presenter must be an active SAJ member. Please go to the SAJ web site for further information on the SAJ membership application.
ii) Use the abstract template. Figures/tables can be inserted.
iii) Abstract papers will be printed in black and white.
iv) Two types (oral & poster) of presentation are applicable.
v) A limited number of oral slots are available, and the organizer might ask oral-applicants to accept poster presentation.
vi) Deadline for submission of abstracts is on July 19, 2024 (Fri).

Registration Fees (Banquet NOT included)

   Early (Until August 2) Regular (After August 3)
SAJ Member 10,000 yen 12,000 yen
Student 7,000 yen 9,000 yen
Non-Member 12,000 yen 14,000 yen

*Abstract: 2,000 yen.
**Registration is acceptable through the SAJ38 Website.


  • 一橋講堂 一橋講堂
    *Click to enlarge map
    *Click to enlarge map
  • Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building
    National Center of Sciences Building 2F,2-1-2 Hitotsubashi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-8439
    Tokyo Metoro Hanzomon Line/Toei Mita Line/Toei Shinjuku Line “Jinbocho” Exit A9
    Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line “Takebashi” Exit 1b
    3-5minutes walk from the stations


September 10 (Tue), 2024; 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at GAKUSHIKAIKAN
3-28 Kandanishiki-cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8459
From the nearest station
1-minute walk from Jimbocho Station (A9 Exit) | Mita subway line,Shinjuku subway line, Hanzomon subway line
5-minute from Takebashi Station (3a Exit) | Tozai subway line
15-minute walk from Ochanomizu Station (Ochanomizu-bashi Exit) | JR Chuo main line, Sobu line
10-minute by taxi from JR Tokyo Station

Banquet Fees

   Early (Until August 2) Regular (After August 3)
SAJ Member 8,000 yen 10,000 yen
Student 5,000 yen 7,000 yen
Non-Menber 10,000 yen 12,000 yen

Scientific program: Invited lectures, SAJ award lectures, and contributed paper sessions (oral/poster) will be arranged.
For further information, contact to: The SAJ38 organizing office (saj38th[at]

Organising Committee

Dr. Shunji Takahashi
Riken CSRS (Chair)
Dr. Takayoshi Awakawa
Riken CSRS
Dr. Shigeru Kitani
Aoyama Gakuin University
Dr. Eiji Okamura
Aoyama Gakuin University
Dr. Takuto Kumano
University of Tsukuba
Dr. Miyuki Otsuka
Tamagawa University
Dr. Toshihiro Suzuki
Tokyo University of Agriculture